Ways to Reduce Cell Phone Radiation Exposure

Radiofrequency is emitted by cell phones. Cancer mutations are Very much common as the RF damages cellular DNA. Heat stress protein is caused by low-level RF. WHO which is also known as the World Health Organization has stated cell phone radiation as a carcinogen underclass 2B which is also the same class of pesticide DDT as well as lead.

It is one of the important things to know. Below are some of the ways which will help in keeping the radiation exposure in limit.
  • Instead of calling use text: your cell phone realizes harmful radiation which can affect your brain and other organ of your body. When you are in an important call and you hold the phone near your ear the radiation is concentrated near your ear and your brain. To reduce cell phone radiation, you can even use headphones. In headphones, the cell phone will maintain distance from your body and will not create any problem in your brain. To avoid the radiation absorbed inside your body you can even keep the phone on speaker and talk. Texting is one of the best options as compared to calling as it helps in minimizing the concentration of the harmful radiation around the brain.
  • Keep your phone turn off at night: the time you sleep you are vulnerable to radiation, and environmental toxins. This is because this body is in relax or rest mode and all the nervous system is digest state. People do one of the biggest mistakes by keeping the phone beside the head for using it as an alarm clock. In this situation, the phone is very close to your head which can produce long-term damage to your bran because of the radiation problem. If you think that the phone is in airplane mode then this will not create any problem then you are wrong, as the phone is not connected to the network but the phone is still releasing harmful magnetic fields from its battery. One of the best options is to turn off the phone at night. Cell phone radiation shield is one of the things which you can use to limit the harmful radiation.
  • Maintain a distance from your phone: when you are traveling from one place to another and keeping your phone in your pocket this even in close contact with your body and body is absorbing the harmful radiation. All the women should not keep the phone near there breast as it can create a big problem in upcoming life.


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